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Get Moving & Active for a Healthier Life

September 22, 2023 10:00 AM | Jen Prodzinski

Hey Women - Do you want to take the first step towards being more active and healthy?

Please join me for an interactive and motivational talk. I'll help you figure out where to start - and help you create strategies to make movement a regular part of your life. You'll learn how to create healthy habits so you can feel better, be healthier, and be comfortable in your body. The talk is free!

This will be very inclusive - and I'll meet you where you are right now. 

Meeting spot: SLO YMCA at 10am on Friday, 9/22 at 1020 Southwood Drive, SLO.

This will also include a quick tour of the new facilities at the YMCA and a free 3-day guest pass if you've not already received one. 

I'm limiting the number of attendees due to the size of the room. Please RSVP to Jen at 206-724-7391 with your name - and if you'll be bringing a friend or family member. I hope you'll come!

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