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Luncheon Playshop

April 17, 2015 11:30 AM | Deleted user

Work Smart- Stress Less: 3 Keys to Enjoying Your Business

Ever wondered: What would I do if I felt more in charge of my life?”

Carrie Asuncion will be facilitating a lively presentation for you to discover powerful practices that help you find your balance and accelerate your results.

Participants will learn:

  • ·      1 trick for instant focus and clarity
  • ·      3 steps to less stress and more fun in your life!
  • ·      The #1 thing you need to do to achieve your goals!

Thursday, April 17th 11:30- 1:30pm

PASO ROBLES Women in Business

At Paso Robles Inn

RSVP to 238-0506

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