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The Experience

October 03, 2015 5:00 PM | Deleted user

One of the other organizations I belong to is SLO Quilters - we will be having our EXPERIENCE Saturday, Oct. 3, 2015 at the Vets Hall. This is a wine/beer tasting event that for $10 you can get 2 drink tickets, catered food and homemade desserts. 

The event starts at 5 p.m. with food and wine/beer available - the Boutique will be open, the SILENT AUCTION will be open AND you'll be able to preview the Quilts that will be auctioned off in the LIVE AUCTION, that starts at 7 p.m.! LOTS GOING ON! 

The folks that attend last time LOVED the event and are returning. This is a GREAT place to do holiday shopping and support two GREAT causes - OH - Proceeds from the event will benefit SLO Quilters as well as Big Brothers Big Sisters! 

 Come, eat, drink, shop and enjoy a great night (where else can you get food and wine for just $20 and support two good causes!?!

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