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Demystifying Long Term Care

August 30, 2019 6:00 PM | Deleted user

True story: A local husband and wife both had amazing long term care insurance plans that offered them lifetime coverage. The wife, who happened to be the husband's caregiver, suffered a stroke and sadly, did not survive. The husband has advanced dementia and even though he has a long term care insurance, he has a 90 day waiting period before the benefits kick in. Friends and family, do you have an extra $8,235 per month laying around should your loved one need long term care? This is the rate a local facility charges for a private room. Long term care policies are a lot lower than what you would expect. Come learn all the facts about Long Term Care Insurance at this insightful and interesting presentation based on recent numbers and true life events. Special guest, Carol Ramirez is the owner of In Trust Legal and will be highlighting the pertinent documents that go hand in hand with a Long Term Care plan such as an Advance Directive for Healthcare and a Durable Power of Attorney. Free literature and refreshments will be provided.

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