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Manifesting and the Law of Attraction, Meditation and Self Hypnosis, Soul-Centered Living

August 24, 2024 12:00 PM | Beth McGill

I am presenting 3 separate workshops at Carocha's Gallery and Art Studio Artist Day to Shine on August 24th from 12 to 5:30. Each workshop is 90 minutes and is $35 at the door.

12 noon - Manifesting and the LOA - Learn the 7 steps to creating the life you desire based upon Beth's book, Allow Life to Happen and receive everything you desire!

2:00 - Meditation and Self-Hypnosis - Learn and experience these 2 modalities as Beth guides you on a journey of self-discovery and awareness.

4:00 - Soul-Centered Living - Align with your soul and discover the greatness wihtin you. You can live a joyful life of passion and on purpose!

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