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"Create 2020" - an innovative year long mentoring & mastermind course

January 19, 2020 5:00 PM | Beth McGill

Will 2020 be the year you have an amazing life-changing breakthrough?

You know there is something more you are meant to do.

You feel there is something more you are meant to be.

If you are honest with yourself for even a minute, then you know you want a different outcome next year. Do you want more joy, more clarity, more purpose, passion and peace of mind?  

What do you really want more of?

I find that most of us want more in our lives but we don’t believe we can achieve it.

Whether you want...

·         a more loving relationship

·         a career that you love

·         a fit and energetic body

·         a quiet, calm mind

·         or freedom to enjoy your life

You can have it and I am here to help you. I’m Beth McGill, a dedicated teacher who loves helping individuals who are ready and willing to transform their lives. I help them have a breakthrough so they know who they are, what their gifts are, and what they’re meant to do. 

I created this innovative year long, life changing, mentoring, and mastermind course because I believe in you. I care about you and your dreams and I want to help you learn what I’ve learned.  I want you to live the life of your dreams. 

You are worthy of living a life that you LOVE!

Go to my website to learn more, sign up and complete the application.  

or email me at to schedule a phone call.

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